ALL IN ONE Sample Distribution System
The fully automated Auto(Un)Load Bulk Sorter Solutions set new standards of sample processing in the clinical laboratory. Samples are delivered by Sumetzberger pneumatic tube carriers and overhanded directly to the ASP SortPro bulk sorter. No manual handling is nessasary.
Thousands of samples are identified (barcode) and tube types, status detected and sorted. Sorting is done either according to defined parameters or to sample related information received from LIS (laboratory information system). Plausibility checks detect and sort out error samples.
Afterwards they are either filled into integrated pins for manual allocation or into pneumatic tube ALS carrier for automated allocation to dezentralized laboratories. Interfaces between the hospital pneumatic tube system and laboratory lines guarantees a fully automated sample analyses process started at the pneumatic tube sending station (e.x. nurse base) to the final results of blood analysis.
ALL IN ONE Sample Distribution System
Ing. Sumetzberger GmbH and ASP Lab Automation AG as technology leaders, developed an innovative ALL IN ONE sample distribution system:
- sample reception from point of care to several hospital locations with pneumatic tube distribution system
- manual feeding with outpatient samples
- sample check into LIS system
A famous combination of:
- the most compact and reliable automatic sample receptions with pneumatic tube distribution system
- the fastest and most flexible bulksorter, sorting 3,200 tubes per hour
- the fastest add on blood tube rack sorter
Also available as ALS Compact SortPro and SortPro ALSR4!